I'm a big anime fan, specially a Naruto fan, so I thought I should give this one a try.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A movie's game
I'm 100% disappointed by movie games. I played the latest "Harry Potter" game (torrent of course, so don't ask!), made for the upcoming movie. I can say this loud and clear, with not a bit of shame in myself: the game SUCKED! I hated what they did to the Harry Potter games ever since part four. The first three games were fine with me... I mean the characters were kids for God's sake, the engine was fit. But starting with game four, everything went to hell. Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire was the greatest disapointment: movie and game (the books were all great, nothing to comment). While the movie lacked key scenes and details, the game was a total mess. They made like a few levels you could choose from the main menu and play them one by one until you unlock them all. I hated this game. I had to use a trainer in it. The only fucking Harry Potter game I used a trainer in. Damn it! And I thought I was setting a record. In part five, I was happy to see that I could yet again roam free around the castle. Of course, the camera was crap (as it is in part six too, believe me, nothing changed), the controls suck (well, the spell controls are good, but the rest suck) and since we're talking controls, I noticed a huge problem nobody gave a damn about: neither in part five nor in six the character could jump. What the hell?! What kind of a wizard is Harry Potter if he can't jump?! The story is definetly worth a very big F. This is because they only make a resume of the story when they could put in a lot more gameplay. You can extend the story a lot in the game, it doesn't have the two hours time restriction. But NO! They shorten the story in the game and they even skip important stuff or change it! They were too fucking lazy to design anything but Hogwarts and a little scene at the Burrow (when I saw that I nearly threw my monitor out the window!). That scene fucks the whole movie/game. I mean, isn't there a lot of story already?! Why add a sensless battle at The Burrow?! They can't burn it down! It's an important location for part 7, which I sense it would suck more than this one did. For this game, I would have expected a bit more gameplay at the memories scenes (like a walk in the forest or some spell casting or something) and way more action at that cave Harry goes to with Dumbledore. Also, they didn't do Diagon Alley nearly at all! Where are the stores?! Where is Gringotts?! No, they just showed the stupid shop... where a ritual takes place! They completely changed the story! This is supposed to be an action-adventure game! But the game has completely no action (except the fact that you have to collect some stupid crests to finish the game 100%). The graphics sucked even if I set all options to maximum. They tried to put the actual faces on characters to make them look more real. Well, it obviously didn't work. So, EA Games guys, quit your jobs and go take a walk!
So, my final marks for these loads of rubbish (so I wouldn't call them different) are:
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 2/10 because the crappy levels, because you took away my only pleasure in the Harry Potter games - wandering through Hogwarts. And because it's far too fucking difficult!
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 5/10 because the stupid controls, vague story telling, crappy graphics, no action, too easy to play (just look at those duels!)
- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: 4/10 because they added some story parts and made the whole story look stupidly simple instead of concentrating on the events in the book. I have a lot of points to express, but I'll keep them until further notice. Also, too few locations. The game is poor. It's obviously commercial crap, not intended to please fans but to irritate them.
Overall deduction: These are commercial games made for the purely purpose of getting money out of them. Had they thought about the fans they would have worked harder.
Future expectations: I think this applies for the movie too, so that part 7 will be better. Instead of adding stupid scenes like the battle at The Burrow that do not exist in the book, CONCENTRATE ON THE EVENTS THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN THE BOOK! THAT IS YOUR SOURCE, PEOPLE! SO FIRE THE SCRIPT WRITER AND GET TO WORK! WE WANT TO SEE SOME REAL HARRY POTTER OUT THERE!
So, my final marks for these loads of rubbish (so I wouldn't call them different) are:
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 2/10 because the crappy levels, because you took away my only pleasure in the Harry Potter games - wandering through Hogwarts. And because it's far too fucking difficult!
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 5/10 because the stupid controls, vague story telling, crappy graphics, no action, too easy to play (just look at those duels!)
- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: 4/10 because they added some story parts and made the whole story look stupidly simple instead of concentrating on the events in the book. I have a lot of points to express, but I'll keep them until further notice. Also, too few locations. The game is poor. It's obviously commercial crap, not intended to please fans but to irritate them.
Overall deduction: These are commercial games made for the purely purpose of getting money out of them. Had they thought about the fans they would have worked harder.
Future expectations: I think this applies for the movie too, so that part 7 will be better. Instead of adding stupid scenes like the battle at The Burrow that do not exist in the book, CONCENTRATE ON THE EVENTS THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN THE BOOK! THAT IS YOUR SOURCE, PEOPLE! SO FIRE THE SCRIPT WRITER AND GET TO WORK! WE WANT TO SEE SOME REAL HARRY POTTER OUT THERE!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Impressions on SH5
I played through Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper, and now, as I finished it, I can say a few things about it:
The graphics have improved from the other games, mainly because of the new PhysX by nVidia. Characters look more real, even the movements are according to their physical or psyhical state. Their clothes look more realistic. And now a minus at the character point. The faces. I mean, Frogwares should've worked on new faces. There are a few new faces (of the characters that are included in the storyline), but through Whitechapel I could see a lot of familiar characters, and, to my astonishment, I could see a few Arsene Lupins amongst the other people. I noticed a lot of people mind their own businesses, so I minded mine too. I also consider it a major disadvantage that you can't walk around Baker Street anymore. Only through Sherlock's apartment, and then through Whitechapel. It's nice to have good ol' Barnes back, even though he just opened the bookstore in this game, as the events take place before "The Awakened" and "Nemesis". Also, it's notable that the system requirements aren't too high.
The control is great too, except for the fact that you can switch to Third Person too. I think that's a feature we can live without, as I only played the game in First Person (much more realistic!). IF and only IF in Third Person view Holmes could be controlled by keyboard, I would've accepted it. But like this, no way!
The story. Well, what can I say about the story?! The plot is very well made, consisting of a lot of REAL facts about Jack The Ripper. A great Holmes adventure whatsoever.
Last, but not least, a big bug! I've been in Mitre Square, that's a dark level if you didn't know. And there, Watson had to turn on a flashlight to see better. He did so, but instead of seeing better, everything got darker! With a capital D! I struggled an hour to win that level. Couldn't find my way in the least! Also, I asked Technical Support about this, but they didn't answer my question, not even after a whole week of waiting. I'm thinking I should return them my game from Torrentz and claim my money back because of this!
Anyway, I kept my conclusion for the final part. This game is a masterpiece when it comes to adventure gaming. It has all it takes for a Sherlock Holmes adventure and it also has the right environment for the story. Whitechapel is brilliantly designed to fit with the sinister story. So, go on and catch Jack The Ripper! You won't regret it!
The graphics have improved from the other games, mainly because of the new PhysX by nVidia. Characters look more real, even the movements are according to their physical or psyhical state. Their clothes look more realistic. And now a minus at the character point. The faces. I mean, Frogwares should've worked on new faces. There are a few new faces (of the characters that are included in the storyline), but through Whitechapel I could see a lot of familiar characters, and, to my astonishment, I could see a few Arsene Lupins amongst the other people. I noticed a lot of people mind their own businesses, so I minded mine too. I also consider it a major disadvantage that you can't walk around Baker Street anymore. Only through Sherlock's apartment, and then through Whitechapel. It's nice to have good ol' Barnes back, even though he just opened the bookstore in this game, as the events take place before "The Awakened" and "Nemesis". Also, it's notable that the system requirements aren't too high.
The control is great too, except for the fact that you can switch to Third Person too. I think that's a feature we can live without, as I only played the game in First Person (much more realistic!). IF and only IF in Third Person view Holmes could be controlled by keyboard, I would've accepted it. But like this, no way!
The story. Well, what can I say about the story?! The plot is very well made, consisting of a lot of REAL facts about Jack The Ripper. A great Holmes adventure whatsoever.
Last, but not least, a big bug! I've been in Mitre Square, that's a dark level if you didn't know. And there, Watson had to turn on a flashlight to see better. He did so, but instead of seeing better, everything got darker! With a capital D! I struggled an hour to win that level. Couldn't find my way in the least! Also, I asked Technical Support about this, but they didn't answer my question, not even after a whole week of waiting. I'm thinking I should return them my game from Torrentz and claim my money back because of this!
Anyway, I kept my conclusion for the final part. This game is a masterpiece when it comes to adventure gaming. It has all it takes for a Sherlock Holmes adventure and it also has the right environment for the story. Whitechapel is brilliantly designed to fit with the sinister story. So, go on and catch Jack The Ripper! You won't regret it!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I heard Frogwares released Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper. See if you can find a torrent and give me the link. I don't care if it's a slow download, I can live with it. If I find one first, I'll post it. And don't you ask the nice people on Yahoo! Answers to find it for you as I did with Secret Files 2! That's cheating! And I'm the only one allowed to cheat here!
Got it, blowing my brains up now!
Got "Secret Files: Puritas Cordis" english version. I found a torrent, even though it's veeeeeery fucking slow! Never got over 150 KB/s. Took me 2 damn days to complete the download! Now I installed it (careful, if you mount the images with something else than Daemon Tools it won't work, you'll get a message that the image is invallid even in Alcohol, despite the fact that the image ia .mdf file (Alcohol specific), so don't try anything else than Daemon Tools to mount it. And don't come mocking at me that it works with something else than that! I tried it! Maybe you're just smarter than me. And one more thing. Even though the installed version is approximately 2.5 GB, the uninstalled version that you will get through the torrent is 4.4 GB. Strange, don't know why, so don't ask.
Here's the torrent:
Click to get Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis ENGLISH PC DVD!
Here's the torrent:
Click to get Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis ENGLISH PC DVD!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Things are totally fucked up now! I finished Secret Files: Tunguska as I said it before, and now I tried to play Puritas Cordis. Yet I got screwed! Some idiot posted the "english version", but as soon as I was done downloading, it prooved to be... the German one! I can't find the english pc game anywhere! Damn! I knew I should've learned German! If anyone can help, any message is helpful!
UPDATE: Found a torrent for this game. But it's the fucking GERMAN VERSION AGAIN! NOOOOOO!!!!! Here's the link, though, if you guys know german:
Geheimachte 2 torrent
Comment here!
UPDATE: Found a torrent for this game. But it's the fucking GERMAN VERSION AGAIN! NOOOOOO!!!!! Here's the link, though, if you guys know german:
Geheimachte 2 torrent
Comment here!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper
See trailer here.
It's true, ladies and gents! Frogwares releases Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper this month. Wait for further notice!
It's true, ladies and gents! Frogwares releases Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper this month. Wait for further notice!
Secret Files series
I found another great adventure game series besides Broken Sword and Syberia (and yes, I don't mention Dreamfall because my personal opinion is that it sucked!). It's called "Secret Files" and it has been around for a while, but I just didn't think of playing any of them. The first game, "Secret Files: Tunguska" has got medium quality graphics, according to it's release date. The story is interesting, making you want to play it up until the end, without moving away from your computer. At least it made me play it like that, even though I had to leave my computer, as you can't win money if you don't work. Part two, "Secret Files: Puritas Cordis" looks great, and as far as I played it (the English demo only, because I don't know German and thus I can't get the full game yet) it's very interesting, maybe a bit more than the first one. The english full version won't come out until May 8 2009, that is in 6 days from now, so until then you can play a demo (the damn Germans released the game in their own language in August 2008!) consisting of the prologue and the first chapter of the game. The demo can be downloaded here. Notice: it has approximately 900 MB, so may the patience be with you if you have a slow internet connection!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Request for help
I'm desperately trying to find "Secret Files: Tunguska". If anyone knows where could I get it from, please tell me by commenting this article.
Art of Murder II: Hunt for the Puppeteer

I didn't play too much of the first Art of Murder game, because I didn't really like it. I mean, it wasn't running too good (veeeery slow), possibly due to the fact that it's been a while since I last upgraded my good ol' buddy, the PC.
On the other hand, I played the second game in the series, "Hunt for the Puppeteer", which had me impressed. I needed a little help at some point, but it wasn't very difficult, so it didn't take me too much to finish. The quality is reasonable, the graphics deserve an 8.5, maybe 9, the gameplay is also easy to understand, yet I didn't like the producers' choice of mouse cursor. The story is interesting, but I would've liked a dfferent ending (well, you can't have everything, can you?!). I had a problem watching the cutscenes. They were very slow. It's like, the game worked perfectly, but the cutscenes don't. I thought it might have been because the game uses Bink Video by Rad Game Tools, and thus Bink Video might need a special codec or something. Poor Noob Me. I was wrong. I googled my problem and found out of specific settings that are needed to be done in order to have Windows run the cutscenes correctly. So, even if Art of Murder: FBI Confidential sucked (in my opion only, so don't criticise me!), part 2 was a success! I'd give it an overall of about 8.5/10.
Monday, February 23, 2009
House M.D
I just wanted to make sure you didn't bury me already, so I came up with a new thing to post here. I mean, you all know "House M.D", the show made by Fox which currently airs it's fifth season. I watched a few episodes and I can say it's a great show. With capital G. In a personal top I'd put it on third place, as nothing can be better than Lost and Prison Break. I recommend you to watch House M.D if you didn't already, you won't be disappointed.
Note: edited out the pics, were taking too much space.
Note: edited out the pics, were taking too much space.
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