This is another one of Ubisoft's masterpieces, following a great series of four... no three great Prince of Persia games. Why only three? BECAUSE PRINCE OF PERSIA 2008 IS A PIECE OF SHIT AND WILL NOT BE COUNTED BY ME AS A POP GAME!
First of all, the first Prince returns in this game. Apparently this game is a prequel to Warrior Within and The Two Thrones and it's story happens right after The Sands of Time.
So far so good, I won't talk about the story too much, because that would mean spoiling it and I don't want that to happen. The plot revolves around The Price who goes to visit his brother Malik. When he gets there he finds Malik's palace invaded. Malik then decides to free King Solomon's Army, an army formed of sand creatures, to repel the invasion. Unfortunately,the army turns against Malik and now The Prince has to save his brother and the kingdom. In order to do that, he is aided by the Djinn, who gives him four powers at different points in the game. These powers are amazing, yet by the end of the game you need piano skills in order to be able to switch between the powers as fast as it's needed.
The first power is the rewind. No need to describe it. It's The Prince's good ol' time rewind, just that this time he doesn't need The Dagger of Time to do it.
The second power you gain is freezing water. Yeah, you heard me right. You can solidify water for a few secons, so you can use it to swing across a gap or something like that (I hate the waterfalls at The Last Climb!!!).
Then there's that power whose name I keep forgetting. The point is you jump and then press CTRL to charge at an enemy that is on a platform further than you could normally jump to. This gets crazy when vultures come in, but I won't get into details that much.
Last but not least you can "remember" parts of the castle that are destroyed but were there in the past. This means pressing a key to fix a broken pathway, wall or something like that. It's not a piece of cake, trust me.
The final battle is completely crazy. You're in a middle of a sandstorm and you need to fight Ratash, the leader of the Sand Army. He is ginormous and has a seal on his chest that's the only vulnerable point you can hit, while making sure he doesn't hit you with his hands or the other enemies that appear on the screen don't kill you.
You can also buy upgrades, like magic powers - whirlwind, stone armor, fire trair and water trail, or lenghten your life bar, get extra energy orbs, etc.
The soundtrack also feels like Prince of Persia. It completes the game.
So... I guess it gets a well deserved 10/10 like AC 2?
Well... NO! Because it's full of fuckin' bugs! Doors are not opening. When I climb a column so I'd be able to face the other column I need to jump to, the game crashes and I get a screen that makes no sense and that you can only escape if you waste an energy slot to rewind!
So, the final judgement (without the picture, sorry):
Graphics: 9/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Story: 9/10
Soundtrack: 9.5/10
BUT! Because the beta testers are a bunch of motherfuckin' bastards, I deduce one point from the overall.
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