Saturday, July 3, 2010

Call of Ctulthu (I think that's how you spell it) Mobile

Yeah, well.. I'm reviewing a mobile game for the first time in my life. Of course since it's a mobile game I should have started my review with "THIS GAME SUCKS!". But it's not the case here. This game screams "Lucas Arts" from the bottom of its lungs. And I mean the OLD ADVENTURE GAME Lucas Arts not the current LEGO BULLSHIT and INFINITE STAR WARS and INDIANA JONES THAT DOESN'T COME TO PC Lucas Arts. Yeah, the game looks just like the good ol' Lucas Arts point and click adventure games from the 1990's. And it's played like one. All it lacks are the buttons at the bottom of the screen, labeled USE TALK TO and stuff like that.
Here's a little trailer:

Overall, the game was good, I enjoyed it, yet I got stuck a lot of times and needed to take a look at a walkthrough I found online. Eventually I.. um... finished it (or not?) and I got some sort of a To Be Continued thing. Well.. here's where every good thing about this game goes to an end. Why? Because a sequel was never released even though the first game is out since 2007. WHY? I don't know, the producer's site is down for some reason.
Anyway, the game has it's good sides, like an awesome story that keeps you hooked up, great character designs (Lucas Arts!!!) but it also has bad sides, like a bug that appears at some cell phones only (including the PC emulator LOL) or maybe at some versions of the game, anyway. You need to talk to a guy at the store. And when you do that, the game crashes. It happened to me every time I tried to get over that part on my old cell. Luckily, it worked well on Alcatel OT 800 and on a good ol' Nokia, so I managed to beat the game.
Anyway, I'd give this game a 9/10. It deserves it, at least for the courage to make a cell phone point and click adventure game.


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