Call of Juarez is another one of Ubisoft's masterpieces. It's a first person western adventure/shooter game set in the late 19th century. This game was released back in 2006, but it features graphics worhty of a 2008/2009 game. The great graphics and the first person posture makes you feel like in the actual Wild West. Another cool innovation is that you play as the good guy, and respectively the bad guy.
The story revolves around Billy Candle, who left to search for the Gold of Juarez but came back home empty-handed. He got called "candle" after his mother, Marisa, gave him a medallion with a candle on it.
Once Billy returns to his hometown, he gets into a lot of trouble when he tries to get to Suzy, a childhood friend of his now turned prostitute, in order to "say hi". After escaping the citizens, who apparently lack pussies so much that would kill for half an hour of sex with Suzy, Billy gets to his parents' (Thomas and Marisa) farm. Thomas is actually Billy's stepfather, but that's another story. Once he gets there, he finds both of them dead and runs away. Meanwhile, Reverend Ray, an old gunslinger turned preacher, angered on the ignorance of people burns down a saloon and rescues the city that has been taken over by miners. Afterwards, he is called at Thomas and Marisa's farm and sees Billy run away from the two corpses. This is where the main plot of the game starts, as Ray will follow Billy, thinking that he killed Thomas and Marisa (Thomas being Ray's brother).
Both playable charaters have their unique features. Billy can jump around and use his whip to get to high places, while Ray is a bad-ass gunman who shoots every bandit in sight.
So, back to the story, Billy runs away from Ray and gets to a farm where he previously worked at, and from where he got kicked out for falling in love with the boss' daughter. On his way to the farm, Ray is approached by some fake deputies and convinced to take over the farm. After this, the deputies, actually bandits, kidnap the girl and run away with Ray following close-by. Ray and Billy encounter eventually and the kid gets shot and falls in the river.
That's all the story I can talk about right now, because otherwise I'd spoil everything (not that I haven't spoiled stuff already) and you wouldn't have any reason to play the game anymore. Well... unless you own an original copy and can play in multiplayer mode.
Bottom line, a lot of stuff that happened before is explained and the story is properly concluded in the end.
There are also a few cheat codes that you can type in the console (press ~ to reveal console). I'll just write them down so you wouldn't say I'm an asshole for keeping them to myself (not that there's no Google to search for them anyway):
Cheat.God(1) - Enable God Mode
Cheat.God(0) - Disable God Mode
Cheat.MagicAmmo(1) - Enable Infinite Ammo
Cheat.MagicAmmo(2) - Disable Infinite Ammo
Cheat.GiveRifle() - Give Rifle (duh)
And a few more cheats that you can find on the web, but these are the only ones I used. Yeah, I did, and I'm not afraid to admit it.
The soundtrack is awesome, it completes the wild west image of the game.

Graphics: 10/10
Gameplay: 8.5/10 (for the fact the first person climbing is not the best ideea)
Story: 10/10
Soundtrack: 9.5/10
Overall: 9.5/10 (aka AWESOME)
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