In GTA IV, you play as Niko Bellic, a russian imigrant who came in America for an apparent reason (his cousin's description of the country) and for a hidden reason that I'm not going to reveal right now.
The game installs along with Windows Live, for multiplayer gaming, and Rockstar Games Social Club, which probably has the same purpose. I don't know exactly, I wasn't interested in trying it out. Besides I couldn't try the multiplayer even if I wanted to, because I got my game from torrents and if you don't have the original game you can't use the multiplayer feature.
When you start the game, you can either begin playing with the graphics settings the game automatically selects depending on your computer's capabilities, or you can go to Options and then the Graphics tab and modify them as your like.
The graphics are good and live up to people's expectations. The characters are well designed and their personality is reflected by their looks, in the first place, and then by their actions.
The controls in this game are great. I could say they're way better than in the previous games. Despite that, the helicopter controls suck. I prefer the San Andreas ones over these ones. I just can't do anything with a helicopter because as soon as I take off, I crash. That's why the final mission was impossible for me to complete. And that's a big surprise, as all the other missions are easy to accomplish without any cheats. The shooting is better than in it's predecessors. I am glad they now let you hide behind items\walls, to cover during a gunfight. That way my character doesn't take that much damage from enemies' bullets. The weapon selection sucks because there's no Minigun (my favorite gun in GTA!) and a lot of other guns I used to have in previous GTA's are gone (OK, there are new weapons in Episodes from Liberty City, but that's another story). Also, I'm disappointed in the clothes selection. There aren't enough clothes to choose from, and the existing selection is not very satisfying, at least not to me.
The story is great, the characters' lines are well made-up and the jokes... well, let's just say I laughed out loud every time Niko made an ironical comment. The only thing different from the other GTA's is the finale. Usually, the main character becomes rich and powerful, and kills all his enemies, but in this one the ending is a bit different. Since I hate spoilers, I won't do one here.
The things I liked most in this game, even though I never took advantage of them are: being able to make friends and go out with them, to eat or to play darts or pool or bowling, to make girlfriends and date them (even though I only went 100% with the first one), and to ride in cabs wherever you want. I only took a cab when, for instance, I couldn't get past a mission and I failed it a lot of times, and I didn't want to go all the way back to where the mission starts.
I also need to specify this game makes you choose who to kill at some point. I recommend looking up this info on the internet before shooting. When you get to choose between A or B, you need to find out which one gives what advantages and make your decision based on that. In the final part of the game, you get to choose whether to make a deal with one of your enemies or go to his location and kill him. Either way, the ending you get will not be the one you expect.
Overall, GTA IV is a great game and I enjoyed playing it. Now I thought I should give Episodes from Liberty City a shot. That one is a game that somehow fills some blanks left by the original GTA IV. It consists of two games, "The Lost and Damned" and "The Ballad of Gay Tony". You can get it from Steam as a digital download, or from torrents, as I did.

Graphics: 9,5/10
Soundtrack: 9/10 (for radio tracks and a great main theme)
Gameplay: 9,5/10
Story: 10/10
Overall: 9,5/10
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